dotfiles CI your MacOS dotfiles with GitHub Actions! Dependencies that you can't or won't pin versions of in a reliable persistent cache, have the potential for drift. Such is the life of my dotfiles repo. I don't want
keyboard Level up keyboard shortcuts - Part 2. Hammerspoon and the Home Row After my initial experiments using Karabiner to bind a keyboard shortcut to an image-based cheatsheet and leverage a hyper key to avoid application level key binding conflicts and finger twister,
dotfiles Level Up Shortcuts And The Hyper Key - Part 1 Even though typing speed is the least of a developer's bottlenecks, there are two particular speed bumps that can disrupt your flow when you are blazing a trail of fire,
fzf Fuzzy Find a Github Repository - Part Deux Remember our first installment? We iterated on building a command-line tool for quickly selecting a private github repo to clone. We built a solution using fish, fzf, and Go. We
fzf The Many Faces of FZF Command-line Fuzzy Finder (FZF) is a gem of a command-line tool. It is like the old 4dos SELECT command that could prompt a user to choose a file, times a
dotfiles dotfiles I finally got my dotfiles repo in order earlier this year, motivated by getting a new laptop and that heaving sigh that goes with the feeling of having to set everything up again. Don't get me wrong. There are times when a clean install